I Should Have Said Something

I Should Have Said Something

Never being good at saying what she wants has kept Maisie Carver in a less-than-shiny thirty-two-year marriage, and she wants out. But she just can't get up the nerve to tell her husband, Rhys. So, she's survived the last decade trying to take advantage of her recent forgetfulness and forget that after spending half her life with Rhys, he still doesn't know her, doesn't know how lonely she feels when she's in the same room with him. But the forgetfulness, much like her dad's Alzheimer's, never works when she needs it to.

Somewhere in a shit storm of mid-life crisis and regret, Masie discovers her 85-year-old mother's bucket list. A concise one with only one thing left undone; Mom wants to see the redwoods before she dies. The fact that Mom has carried this yearning for 85 years makes Masie want to see the trees too. Even if that means going with her oldest sister, Julia, who abandoned Masie when she needed her most.

After everything that could go wrong in California goes off-the-charts wrong, Masie finds herself 3,000 miles from home amongst the redwoods with the sister she once adored. Much like Rhys, Julia has always made Masie feel like she was never smart enough, beautiful enough. Just never enough.

While Masie soon learns her perfect husband and sister are anything but, she discovers the fabulous new creature she was meant to be.BUY NOW 

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