Kim Boykin

Kim Boykin was raised in her South Carolina home with two girly sisters and great parents. She had a happy, boring childhood, which sucks if you’re a writer because you have to create your own crazy. PLUS after you’re published and you’re being interviewed, it’s very appealing when the author actually lived in Crazy Town or somewhere in the general vicinity.

Almost everything she learned about writing, she learned from her grandpa, an oral storyteller, who was a master teacher of pacing and sensory detail. He held court under an old mimosa tree on the family farm, and people used to come from all around to hear him tell stories about growing up in rural Georgia and share his unique take on the world.

As a stay-at-home mom, Kim started writing, grabbing snip-its of time in the car rider line or on the bleachers at swim practice. After her kids left the nest, she started submitting her work, sold her first novel at 53, and has been writing like crazy ever since.

Thanks to the lessons she learned under that mimosa tree, her books are well reviewed and, according to RT Book Reviews, feel like they’re being told across a kitchen table. Her women's fiction novels are: I Should Have Said Something (out May 2023,) Echoes of Mercy, A Peach of a Pair, Palmetto Moon and The Wisdom of Hair and Echoes of Mercy, all women's fiction novels. 

Contemporary romance novellas include: Caught Up In You, Steal Me, Cowboy,Just in Time for Christmas, Sweet Home Carolina, Flirting with Forever, and She's the One from Tule Publishing.

While her heart is always in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, she now lives in Sedona, Arizona, the creative center of the universe, or her universe.

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